The reason I named my artwork "The Woman Drinking Wine" is because of the visual illusion experienced by the female figure in the main theme after getting drunk. I separated the earth and sky with a central line, but the sky and earth have switched places. Here, I wanted to touch upon the metaphor that life can change in an instant and be turned upside down. There are various other images in my painting, including a rainbow, wine pouring from the woman's head, a stork, marine creatures, seaweed, an apartment building, and a pair of lips. Here is the meaning and reflection of these symbols for me:
Rainbow: I wanted to convey the idea that we can always make a fresh start in life and never lose hope. The colors of the rainbow represent vibrancy and renewal.
Wine: The wine being poured from the bottle onto the woman's head stems from her desire to get drunk and forget the thoughts running through her mind. Wine also signifies a pleasurable drink with its pleasant aroma and taste.
Stork: The bird symbolizes freedom. It represents the person who finds the possibility of freedom in getting drunk.
Marine Creatures: The fish found in the sky and on land, instead of where they are supposed to be, in water, signify the person's dissatisfaction with their current situation and place, and their desire to change it.
Seaweed: It is a metaphor for renewal and change. Apartment Building: It represents the loneliness that comes with urban living and urbanization, as well as the desire to approach nature and move away from urbanization.
Lips: It is a symbol of visual illusion.
